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Science behind water

Science behind water

Properties Of Acilis By Spritzer

Functional silica-rich water

Ground breaking research has shown that drinking silica-rich water daily has significant functional qualities.

Why everyone should drink silica-rich water?

■ Silica Water indeed may be dubbed as the elixir of good and long health.
■ Research on the world’s five “Blue Zones” where people live longer and without diseases, than the rest of the world, reveals a high level of dissolved silica in their drinking water. Silica Water is a causal factor of longevity.
■ Research (from Dr. Chris Exley, Dr. Dennis N Crouse and many others) suggest Silica in drinking water (also called OSA) prevents and heals the following conditions and terminal diseases –

• Alzheimer’s disease
• Atherosclerosis
• Autism
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Osteoporosis
• Parkinson’s
• Seizures
• Aluminium toxicity

■ Most Importantly, Silica Water or OSA facilitates the excretion of neurotoxin Aluminium from the human body and can reverse the damage done by overexposure to the heavy metal in this “age of aluminium”


Research by UK scientists has revealed a link between silicawater and aluminium. It has shown that regularly drinking silicic acid found naturally in silica-rich water like Acilis by Spritzer is a safe and non-invasive precautionary lifestyle choice.

What Is It?

Acilis by Spritzer is naturally infused with silica as it filters through 400ft of rock and sandstone strata and is drawn from an artesian aquifer deep beneath pristine rainforest in the Maxwell Hills of Malaysia.Safe and non-invasive for people of all ages to drink, it has a silica content of 55 mg/L, a perfectly balanced pH level of 7.1 and sold in safe recyclable PET and BPA-free bottles. Product Description Our water is naturally vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free and nut-free; free from any sugars, sweeteners, flavourings or preservatives, and certified halal. It is safe for people of all ages to drink, and does not interfere with any medications. We worked closely with our friends at Spritzer to develop ACILIS, especially for people in the UK and Europe; a great-tasting, natural silica bottled water, that is bottled at source, free from contaminants, and sold in safe PET and BPA-free bottles. We not only want to help people benefit from silica water’s amazing health benefits, but raise awareness of scientific research that is revealing more to us about this incredible mineral – and how it can be used to combat aluminium, a neurotoxic metal in many everyday products. This ground breaking research is led by world-leading aluminium toxicology expert UK Professor Christopher Exley. His research has revealed that consuming a silica water every day removes aluminium from the body. Silica is also known to help promote softer skin, shinier hair, stronger nails and supple joints. Supporting research into the benefits of silica-rich water Silicawaters.com was inspired to bring the natural benefits of silica-rich water to the UK in the form of Acilis by Spritzer – the artesian water shown in scientific research to remove neuro-toxic aluminium from the body as a lifestyle precaution. We support research into the benefits of drinking silica-rich water and provide free samples and discount for Alzheimer’s, autism, Parkinson’s and MS support groups.



(Average analysis mg/L):
  • Silica 55.2
  • Potassium 3.1
  • Calcium 36
  • Magnesium 3.7
  • Bicarbonate 93
  • Sulphate 22.1
  • Chloride 0.78
  • Total dissolved solids 198
  • pH 7.10


Scientific research supports drinking 1 litre of Acilis by Spritzer silicawater a day to detox from neurotoxic aluminium. It can be consumed throughout the day and can be boiled (but only once) for making tea/coffee and diluting fruit cordials. Carbonated Lightly Sparkling Acilis by Spritzer now becoming available still possesses full functional qualities of silicic acid in removing aluminium toxicity. For the science view: https://content.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-alzheimers-disease-reports/adr170010 6bXVLTx4snw ALSO boosting body collagen for rejuvenating soft skin, supple joints, harder nails and deterring hair loss. View: https://wp.me/p8c3gd-5HT


The Science Behind Silica Water

New Research

Anecdotal testimonials from parents available on request.

Stay Youthful With Acilis

Experience has shown that silica-rich water like Acilis by Spritzer boosts body collagen for softer wrinkle-free skin, combats hair loss with stronger, shinier hair, hardens nails and keeps joints supple.


Why Silica-Rich Water And Not Supplements?

Why only silicon-rich waters (and not silica supplements) will protect you from aluminium.

Research Regarding Multiple Sclerosis

Latest scientific research with regarding Multiple Sclerosis (MS), published in the respected medical journal EBioMedicine

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